- 中译英
- last week i went to threater
- i have good seat
- the threater was good,but i can't apperaciate
- a young man and women sit behind me ,speak loud
- i feel very angery,for cant't hear
- i glare the man and women very angeryily
- but they pay no attention
- i can't bear it at last
- i glare once again,say angryily, icat't hear nothing
- it's not about you,the man said un
- it's privite convisation
- 听写
- last week i went to the theater
- i had a very good seat
- the play was very intertesting , i did not enjoy it
- a young man and a young women were sitting behind me,
- they were talking loudly ,i got very angry
- i could not hear the actors
- i turn round i look at the man and the women angryily
- they did not pay any attention
- in the end ,i could not bear it ,i turned round again
- icant't hear a word ,isaid angryily
- it's none of your business,the young man said rudly
- this is private convisation